Monday, November 22, 2010

Are Leaders Born or Made?

Someone suggested this topic. Thanks Miss T.!!!!! This is a very good question and I'm sure many people have many different opinions about this.

I haven't done any research on this topic, but I believe it is probably a little of both. However, I would suspect that the environment the person is exposed to has a lot to do with it.

I do consider myself a leader. As a Naval officer, I held many positions of responsibility, including a very successful tour as a commanding officer. In my case, I don't believe I was born a leader. I was raised predominantly by my mother and two older sisters, and no, I really was not old enough to be considered the "man of the house." It wasn't until I got into high school where I became involved with clubs and sports, where I was exposed to my first instances of leading people and projects. I personally believe I learned the most about leadership while at the Naval Academy and as an officer in the Navy. My leadership learning curve never leveled; I was always learning something new about leadership. I still do today.

I suspect there are exceptions to every rule. I'm sure some men and women showed leadership traits as a toddler. I do know for a fact that I attended the Naval Academy with some people who were not leaders at all; at least early on.

You have probably heard the phrase that before you can lead, you have to follow. I believe this is true. It was for me.

What do you think? Do you know anyone who is a natural born leader? Can someone learn to be a leader?

"Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile." - Vince Lombardi

Sunday, November 21, 2010

"Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other." John F. Kennedy

This quote, by JFK, is very profound. In my experience, a good leader must constantly be in the learning mode. Though it is not expected that a leader of any organization should know the specific details of a subordinates job, they should have a very good understanding of what their people are doing.

I've worked for people who had a very solid understanding of what was going on below them. I've also worked for people who had no clue and did not bother to try. I can say, the former was a much better person to work for. I believe you can figure out who I respected more.

I strongly believe in the saying, you are never too old to learn something new. I think a person should attempt to learn at least one thing new everyday.


The basic definition of leadership from Webster (see link). 
1. : the office or position of a leader
     2. : capacity to lead


     3. : the act or an instance of leading

: leaders <the party leadership>
As a retired Naval officer, I've had the opportunity to study leadership, both as a follower and a leader. Leadership fascinates me; both good and bad. I've read quite a few books about leadership, but not as many as some. I am no expert on leadership by any means, but I do believe I have enough experience in the subject to talk about it. That is what this blog is all about; leadership.